Tara's thoughts

Returning to the idea of ??Home Therapy, it is clear that our home is a projection of our life.

I have never studied chemistry or physics and all that regards genetics and DNA is a big black hole to me.

If your life was a book, what would you call the next chapter?

A home is a complex living organism. It can be happy or sad. It can be healthy or unhealthy. It may suffer from simple untidiness or suffocate because of disposophobia (fear of throwing things away).

The first of May, a new month.

Thank you everyone. I celebrated ten years of Il Castello di Tara yesterday. Not ten years of work or of even working in real estate – ten years of my agency. I hardly even dare call it my agency as it stands with or without me.

On this wet Saturday morning I find myself looking for inspiration.

Buying and selling a home can be very stressful and extremely emotional!


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