Dna, reality and houses

emotions transform dna

I have never studied chemistry or physics and all that regards genetics and DNA is a big black hole to me. I have been particularly interested however in reading up on experiments and research over the last ten years that have affected the scientific attitude about how reality comes to be. In a recent article I read scientists are discovering that there are so many little, apparently insignificant, gene switches inside our DNA which actually control how our cells and organs behave. And not only, according to researchers DNA is also responsible for data storage and communication. They found out that it follows a regular grammar just like our language, therefore by applying vibration and language DNA can actually transform. Another interesting article showed that when separating DNA from its donor, even at great distances, the emotions felt by the source and the consequent patterns this created, were found at identical peaks in the separated DNA, at exactly the same time. Finally I also read about an experiment where DNA was introduced into a vacuum with random light photons. When this happened the the photons took on the exact shape of the DNA pattern. Even I find this exciting… it practically means that feelings can physically change our reality!

That everything is energy is a concept I have become accustomed to and though its quite a thing to get your head around, there are so many reasons why this makes sense. We know that empty space isn’t really empty and that its filled with invisible wave legnths which are in constant transformation based on the stimuli put unto them (like the DNA, which in its turn is transformed when under the influence of some intense emotion… you can see the connection!). Immagine how many different emotions and creations there are in the same empty space: a mega network where DNA is feeding data into space, a bit like the internet. This brings me back to the idea of Oneness with the paradox that individuality leads to self awareness and consequently to group conciousness.

I know it fizzles off a bit into abstract… but I just get a feeling of it… and I find it exciting. And it resonates with what I have often believed in. That you need to keep an open mind, a very open mind: you need to separate what is from what comes from within (and isn’t real); you need to free yourself from all the restrictions the world has created around us- from your beliefs to your conditioning… awaken to that sense of Wonder I sometimes manage to attain. If you do this you lift your vibration and create an energy of positivity around you and your situations, and miracles can happen. They do. It’s a constant battle and I don’t always win, but I know it works and I know its important. And remember: we can create our own reality by choosing it with our feelings..

What has this to do with houses? Everything!

Your house or your ideal house is a replica of what your soul projects in your reality and is transformed by emotions…. (to be continued)


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