Spring is back, the sun is shining again and the heat warm on the skin. The roses are blooming, the petunias flourishing in masses of colours like rainbow cascades, the geraniums pour from the windows and balconies waterfalls of hue... .. I wake up early in the morning to the great concert of birds, a chacofany of melodies and as the day goes by, I, in my car driving as if I were part of the blue sky above me, carefree, dazed and somehow light headed.
It has certainly been a very difficult and surreal last two years... to the point that time seems to have stopped, flown, disappeared, gone slowly and zoomed- it’s like time has created a dimension of its own…... and I in this space, vague and uncertain.
Sometimes I have the impression I’m sitting behind a big screen watching the world go by and then .. I slowly immerse myself into it, as if life were a lake, and instead of a swimsuit, I wear a different skin. And then, I wonder, what next?
And I feel the oneness with the whole and at the same time a sense of division between myself and "the others". The others as if they were an entity unto themselves, who go around all appearance, doing the things they always do, and I wonder if they are as superficial as I perceive them to be or is it I the superficial judging them in the first place. And who are these others if not us?
And I return with my mind to the road, while I drive towards my next adventure: the next house to see and the next customers to meet ... a new dream to help realize and while I observe the magical alchemy of people and houses, I remember how lucky I am ...
Here my translation of a fun children’s rhyme on Spring by Gianni Rodari, a sweet simple poem (which must be read in Italian for its rhyme) where a fresh violet brings the news of Spring’s arrival but only to the lucky one who first finds it, whereas “the others” get left behind…
Spring Rhyme
Longer is the day
sweeter is the night.
Tomorrow, perhaps, admist the fresh grass
a violet will sprout up:
Oh fresh new violet
lucky is he who finds you first,
your perfume will tell him
Spring has arrived, it is here.
And the others won’t know
and will believe it is still Winter,
they might be respectful people,
but their calendar will be late.