Emotions and Houses

Vortex of stories and thought processes

Buying and selling a home can be very stressful and extremely emotional!

You've lived in the house for years, you know you want to move, that you have to move - you need a bigger place, a more modern home, an apartment closer to work ... yet emotionally detaching from the "old" is not easy. You want to sell ... but, at the same time, you don't. You have so many memories, you know the space in which you move like a king in his castle, it's all familiar, it's part of you. And now you have to let go.

For those buying it can be even more difficult. It is an interesting experience and a very emotional process. Buying a home means something different for each one of us, but fundamentally it is your sanctuary from the world, a place where you can be yourself.

First impression when looking at a house can be decisive. Emotion and logic are two human traits that are at odds with each other when buying a home. Maybe it's the colour of the wall that inevitably reminds you of something, or wouldn't your couch just look perfect in front of the fireplace? What a beautiful garden – the children would surely love to play there ... projections and memories.

Falling in love with the house: and not just with the walls, the amazing view, you are falling in love with a future vision of your life!

It's a psychological process - you're forced to ask yourself: What do I really want? What is important to me? Where is my life going? What will I do in 5 years?

Emotions are the driving force that attracts the events, conditions, and circumstances that you experience in your life on a day to day basis. The emotions that you experience and the feelings that you feel are the determining factor as to how each and every one of your life events unfold and are brought into physical existence.

Emotions are the meaning we give to the things that happen in our lives - our stories of how things occur to us, because of our past and present conditioning – they are the coloured glass through which we see the world in which we live. If our emotions are positive, it is very probable that we are going through a calm and balanced moment; if our emotions are negative, there is probably something we need to focus on and fix. It's okay to have negative feelings, they give us the opportunity to stop and do something about what is not making us happy.

Your home is an extension of who you are: what you do within the walls of your abode shapes your mood, influences your productivity and influences your outlook on life.

So, once you overcome the stress of the purchase which will catapult you into a vortex of choices, mental processes and self-discovery, why not let your home help you find your peace and its beneficial effects ripple through your life?


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